
Fructus Schisandrae Learn more about Fructus Schisandrae

  • Cultivation Techniques of Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis on Flat Land

    Cultivation Techniques of Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis on Flat Land

    Schizandra chinensis is a kind of wild economic plant with multiple functions and uses. Its fruit is a famous Chinese herbal medicine at home and abroad, beneficial to the human body gas, kidney, lung, astringent essence, salivation, thirst quenching, intelligence, sedative effect. the preparation can be use for treating asthma and cough due to deficiency of lung, spontaneous sweat, night sweat, chronic diarrhea, dysentery, spermatorrhea, neurasthenia, amnesia, palpitation, insomnia, weakness of limbs, acute and chronic hepatitis, vision deterioration, etc., and can also be made into a serie of health foods such as fructus Schisandrae wine, fructus Schisandrae beverage, fructus Schisandrae tea, fructus Schisandrae honey, etc.

  • Efficacy and function of Fructus Schisandrae and side effects of Schisandra chinensis

    Efficacy and function of Fructus Schisandrae and side effects of Schisandra chinensis

    Efficacy and function of Fructus Schisandrae and side effects of Schisandra chinensis

  • Field Management Methods of Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis

    Field Management Methods of Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis

    (1), frame surface management plants in the juvenile period to timely select the main vine to the bamboo pole to promote its upward growth, adult tree side vine shoot in principle do not need to bind, if there is too long can stay about 8-10 nodes to pick the heart, side vine (fruit mother branch) stay too long or load is large, should be given the necessary binding, so as not to break the branch. (2), intertillage weeding more than 5 times a year, depth of about 10cm, planting belt to keep the soil loose without weeds. Deep ploughing after fruit harvest

  • Control of Common Diseases of Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis

    Control of Common Diseases of Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis

    Fruit rot and control of schisandra fruit surface with brown or black spots, later black. Control method: spray 500-600 times solution of 50% ammonium bromide every 10 days for 3-4 times continuously. The root rot of schisandra chinensis and its control mostly occurred from early may to early august. After the disease, the root and surface contact rotted, the root bark fell off, and the plant died a few days later. Control methods: 1:1:100 Bordeaux mixture can be used to irrigate roots. Fruit blight and its prevention and control

  • Processing of Fructus Schisandrae fruit peel

    Processing of Fructus Schisandrae fruit peel

    1. Technological process: raw materials-→ selection-→ cleaning-→ beating and seed removal-→ cooking-→ homogenization-→ blending-→ concentration-→ skin baking-→ slices-→ drying-→ packaging-→ finished products. 2. Technical essentials (1) the mature fresh Schisandra chinensis fruit is selected for raw material treatment, the impurities and moldy parts are removed and cleaned, broken by crusher, and the seeds are removed at the same time, and then homogenized with homogenizer or colloid mill. (2) blending and concentration: put Schisandra pulp in stainless steel.

  • Fructus Schisandrae, a plant of the Illiciaceae family, is good to drink with water. What are the side effects? Several best ways to eat are recommended!

    Fructus Schisandrae, a plant of the Illiciaceae family, is good to drink with water. What are the side effects? Several best ways to eat are recommended!

    Fructus Schisandrae is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine whose appearance is red, also known as Zanthoxylum bungeanum, Wumezi, Xuanji, with anti-inflammatory, calming, anti-aging and other effects, many people like to use to make soup, soak wine, etc., then Schisandra and what collocation bubble water to drink? What are the side effects? How many

    2020-11-09 Star anise family plant Schisandra and what match soak in water drink well
  • Fructus Schisandrae (chinese magnoliavine)

    Fructus Schisandrae (chinese magnoliavine)

    A cultivated species of the genus Schisandra of Magnoliaceae, scientific name Schisandrachinensis (Turcz.) Baill, deciduous woody vine crop. It gets its name because of its sweet, sour, bitter, and salty flavors. Alias Schisandra chinensis, Schisandra chinensis and mountain pepper. Distributed in Northeast and North China, the main producing areas are Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces. Stem bark grayish brown, with obvious lenticels. Twigs reddish brown, slightly glossy. Simple leaves alternate, stipitate, broadly elliptic or Obovate. Flowers unisexual, white

  • Identification of Fructus Schisandrae chinensis

    Identification of Fructus Schisandrae chinensis

    Schisandra chinensis is divided into Liao Wuwei and Shanwuwei. It has a long history of application and is very popular in recent years. Especially last year, Korean pharmaceutical merchants came to our country to purchase a large number of Liao Wuwei. As a result, the price of Liao Wuwei rose to about 70 yuan, and the price of medicinal materials rose. Illegal traders tried to adulterate fake products. When the price of Liao Wuwei was high, they mixed Shanwuwei into the sale. Now the prices of Liao Wuwei and Shanwuwei are not much the same, and they all remain high. They also mixed a kind of wild mountain grape seed, in order to improve everyone's identification ability, now put

  • High-yield Cultivation Techniques of Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis

    High-yield Cultivation Techniques of Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis

    Schizandra chinensis is a medicinal plant. Its wild resources are decreasing and market demand is increasing. The main points of high-yield cultivation techniques of schisandra chinensis are as follows:1. Seedling cultivation schisandra chinensis is suitable for growing in slightly acidic soil, with frost-free period more than 115 days per year and accumulated temperature above 2300℃. Cultivated plots should be selected for good drainage, low groundwater level or shady slope. Planting with hedge frame, plant spacing of 0.75 m x 2 m-1.0 m x 2 m. It is planted in late April. Soak seedlings in water for 12 hours to 24 hours before planting

  • Harvest, processing and use of Schisandra chinensis

    Harvest, processing and use of Schisandra chinensis

    Harvest and processing: a large number of fruits are produced 4-5 years after planting. When the fruit is purplish red from September to October, it is picked with ripening, dried or dried, rubbed to remove the stalk, and the black grains are picked out for storage. Usage: 1. It is used in medicine with ripe fruit: it has the function of tonifying qi and lung, nourishing kidney, astringent essence, promoting fluid, stopping diarrhea and sweat. It mainly treats wheezing cough, spontaneous sweating, spermatorrhea, insomnia, chronic diarrhea, thirst and other diseases. Prescription: (1) neurasthenia, insomnia: Schisandra 15-25k, water decoction. Or use Fructus Schisandrae 50g, break it, use 5

  • Biological characteristics of Schisandra chinensis

    Biological characteristics of Schisandra chinensis

    1 requirements for climatic conditions Schisandra chinensis likes wet and cool climatic conditions. According to the investigation, Schisandra chinensis is mostly distributed in the altitude of 600-1500 meters in Jilin Province and Liaoning Province, and 600-1500 meters above sea level in our county. The average annual temperature in the distribution area is 3-7 ℃, the annual precipitation is 800-1200 mm, the frost-free period is 90-170 days, and the annual average humidity is 65%-69%. The rainy season is concentrated in June-September. 2 requirements for soil conditions the soil of wild Schisandra chinensis is slightly acidic after investigation.

  • Cultivation Techniques of Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis

    Cultivation Techniques of Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis

    Seed propagation: after harvest, the fruits of schisandra chinensis were washed out and dried for storage. Sowing: Soak seeds at room temperature for 1 day and night, mix them evenly with 3 times the amount of pure river sand, bury them in a cooler place, and after 3-4 months, the seeds can enter the radicle.

    2020-11-08 Keywords schisandra chinensis planting technique cultivation method abstract seed propagation
  • Efficacy and effect of Maiwei Dihuang Pill

    Efficacy and effect of Maiwei Dihuang Pill

    Efficacy and effect of Maiwei Dihuang Pill

  • The efficacy and function of semen Celosiae

    The efficacy and function of semen Celosiae

    The efficacy and function of semen Celosiae

  • How many years does the perennial deciduous plant Schisandra chinensis bear fruit? How many jin per mu do you usually get? How is the planting benefit?

    How many years does the perennial deciduous plant Schisandra chinensis bear fruit? How many jin per mu do you usually get? How is the planting benefit?

    Schisandra chinensis, also known as Zanthoxylum bungeanum and Fructus Schisandrae, is a common medicinal herb, which is widely cultivated because of its high medicinal value. at present, Schisandra chinensis has been planted in many areas of our country. How many jin per mu do you usually get? How is the planting benefit? How many years will it turn out? Schisandra chinensis seedlings bear fruit after 5 years

  • Processing of Schisandra fruit vinegar

    Processing of Schisandra fruit vinegar

    Fruit is rich in sugar resources and is a good raw material for vinegar brewing. Compared with grain vinegar, fruit vinegar is more nutritious. It is rich in acetic acid, succinic acid, malic acid, citric acid, a variety of amino acids, vitamins and bioactive substances. And mellow taste, rich flavor, fresh and refreshing, unique effect, can play a role in softening blood vessels and reducing blood lipids. Fruit vinegar is acidic and becomes alkaline food after absorption and metabolism by the human body. Fruit vinegar has the following health benefits: volatile substances and amino groups in ① fruit vinegar

  • What are the common medicinal plants?

    What are the common medicinal plants?

    What are the common medicinal plants?

  • How to plant the latest Schisandra chinensis

    How to plant the latest Schisandra chinensis

    Fructus Schisandrae is a kind of medicinal material that is relatively scarce at present. Recently, many growers plan to join the ranks of Schisandra chinensis when they get the news. However, people know little about the technology of planting Schisandra chinensis, and they do not know how to plant it.

    2020-11-10 The latest Schisandra how to plant talent good yes now
  • Ecological characteristics of Schisandra chinensis

    Ecological characteristics of Schisandra chinensis

    1. Morphological features: Fructus Schisandrae is a deciduous woody vine of Magnoliaceae with soft and tough stems and right-handed winding on other trees and shrubs. It is up to 8 meters high and up to 15 meters high. The developed main root is not obvious, and the dense fibrous root contains a large number of stolons distributed in the shallow layer of the soil. Horizontal elongation is also called walking stem. There are nodes on the nodes and buds on the nodes, which produce hazy faces and grow out of the ground, forming new plants to expand the population. The old rattan bark of Schisandra chinensis is dark brown, the young stem is purplish red or light yellow, densely covered with round prominent lenticels, and the leaves are alternate. The leaves are 9 cm long and 2 cm wide.

  • What are the latest common medicinal plants?

    What are the latest common medicinal plants?

    Medicinal plants refer to the plants used in medicine for disease prevention and treatment, and all or part of their plants are used for medicine or as raw materials for the pharmaceutical industry. In a broad sense, it may include use as nutrients, certain hobbies, condiments, pigment additives, and pesticides and veterinary uses

    2020-11-10 Latest common medicinal plant have which